Frequently Asked Questions

Note: This page is for general questions about downloading LibreOffice, its license, and how the project operates. For technical help with the software itself, please see our FAQ on the wiki, and also our Ask LibreOffice website.

  1. I donated, I but still can't download LibreOffice - where can I get it?
  2. Why is LibreOffice free? Is there a catch?
  3. Can I use LibreOffice in my business?
  4. Why doesn't LibreOffice include an email client?
  5. Will you add a certain feature?
  6. How can I report a problem with LibreOffice?
  7. I have seen LibreOffice on sale in a shop or on the internet - is it from you?

1. I donated, but I still can't download LibreOffice - where can I get it?

Firstly, thank you for your donation! We really appreciate it. Donations are purely optional, and you can always download LibreOffice for free. From the download page, after clicking the "Download" button you will see a link on the following page, above the donation message, like this:

LibreOffice download link

Just click the link to begin downloading LibreOffice. If you still have problems, please check that your browser, operating system or security software isn't preventing the download from taking place. You can also contact [email protected] with your operating system version, and we will send you a direct link.

2. Why is LibreOffice free? Is there a catch?

LibreOffice is free and open source software, developed by a worldwide community. You can use, share and modify the software according to the Mozilla Public License 2.0. LibreOffice is free because the community around it cares about open standards and breaking down digital divides - creating a world where everyone has access to powerful, open source tools.

3. Can I use LibreOffice in my business?

Yes - whether it's on one computer in your home office, or 10,000+ computers in an enterprise, you can use LibreOffice without paying any license fees. For larger deployments, we strongly recommend considering professional support options, provided by LibreOffice developers, consultants and professional trainers.

4. Why doesn't LibreOffice include an email client?

Right now, there are no plans to develop an email client inside LibreOffice, as there are excellent free and open source software email clients already available. We are rather focusing on LibreOffice, our core product, and striving to make integration with existing solutions better.

5. Will you add a certain feature?

Because LibreOffice is open source and developed by a community, developers choose which features they want to add, based on their own needs (or the needs of customers). If you really want to see a certain new feature, consider financing certified developers to implement that feature. Alternatively, if you have some technical ability, you can get involved and work on new features with the rest of the community. We appreciate and look forward to your help!

6. How can I report a problem with LibreOffice?

If you've discovered a bug in LibreOffice, and want to report it to our quality assurance (QA) community, please see the bug tracker. When submitting a report, please check whether it affects the latest version of the software, and if so, please provide lots of detail in your report - operating system version, exact steps to reproduce the problem, and screenshot(s) if necessary. Thank you!

7. I have seen LibreOffice on sale in a shop or on the internet - is it from you?

Likely not. LibreOffice is free and open source software and can be redistributed by other people, subject to the license. But if you want the official version from MICROPARTICLE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED, you should always download it from our website. Note that some of our Certified Developers provide their own versions of LibreOffice with long-term support options.